Biking against the wind 逆風正好
打擊音樂家與台灣移動表演藝術學院主持人辜永端在旬印咖啡分享她在荷蘭阿姆斯特丹求學,以及參與移動表演藝術學院活動演出與發展的經驗 。在一個半小時的座談會與問答中,與會的朋友們充滿好奇,也刺激大家有更多的想法。感謝所有觀眾的參與,還有旬印咖啡馬克思的殷勤招待,茶會實在太好吃了。
Lecture by Yung-Tuan Ku (percussionist and initiator MAPA Taiwan) at 旬印 Anemos Cafe, 中山區長春路311-1號1樓Taipei. From19:30h. Young-Tuan Ku shared her experience studying and performing in the Netherlands at the Amsterdam Conservatory and at Studio MAPA Nederland and also about initiating MAPA Taiwan! We enjoyed a 1 1/2 hour presentation and a Q&A that showed all curiosity and raised more information for thought and reflection.Thank wonderful audience and Max for your great hospitality, the best coffee in town and delicious bites.
女孩兒們,謝啦! Thank you ladies!
And this is how we got there, from the Chang Dance center to Anemos